
let's get connected

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Seksanyer lah nk cantik..+ Piala Suzuki AFF 2010

berkata sang kekasih pada si kekasih..
dah cantik, sibuk nk cantik lagi..
nnti dah kawen xnk lak nmpk cantik..

apa ni?orang sibuk cite pasal bola..ko nk sibuk citer pasal cantik lak..

eh!suka hati aku..aku punyer pasallah nk citer apa pn..hehehe...
tp still nk hubungkaitkan jugak ngan bola..apa2 hal pn congrates yer Harimau Malaya!

okay2!nak story ni!story ni kesinambungan dari program diet hari tu..hahaha..kalau nk tau sila baca entry ini -> klik sini
kan dh kata nk nekad kuruskan badan blk.. kalau b4 this, aku exercise, g gym sume tp kali ni malas dh nk g gym sume..sbb bnyk sbblah..

so aku mengambil alternatif utk berdiet!
alhamdulillah!so far aku dh berjaya turun.

turun berapa kilo?


3 kilo!!


hebat tak?hebat tak?

huh!nk turun 3 kilo tu pn bkn senang tau!xsesenang dia naik 8 kilo!

apa yg aku buat??

dietlah! + eksesais sket2..hehehe..

menu harian:

aku mkn time driving otw g ofis..almaklumlah rumah ke ofis agak jauh ditmbah dgn jam lagi!selalunya aku mkn 2 keping roti gardenia yg putih tu (patutnyer kene mkn wholemeal!)
kadang2 mkn biskut 2-3 keping biskut jacob's hi-fibre tu..
sampai ofis aku akan minum kopi LDC..kopi LDC ni kakak aku yg supply..ntah mana dia dpt ntah aku yg pastinyer kopi ni dari London Weight punya brand..sepatutnya peranan kopi ni adalah utk membakar lemak..betul xbetul itu aku xpastilah..aku minum je sbg pengganti nescafe aku!(addicted to cafein sbnrnya aku ni!)

hurm..susah nk kata sbnrnya..since aku baru stat 2 minggu je baru..
kalau ikut yg aku baca dari majalah2 kesihatan..
kene makan choices dia:
    ->1/2 nasi + protein + veggies 
    -> mee hoon sup (jgn mee kuning @ kuew tiaw!)
    -> spageti
 tp apa yg aku mkn? ikut keadaan..
so far 2 minggu ni.. 
aku mkn apa yg di bekalkan oleh bibik..hehehe..(malu x dh besar2 pnjg bwk bekal g ofis??hehehe...)nk buat cmne dh bibik mak aku tu rajin sgt!yg sbnrnya bibik jgk adlh salah satu penyumbang lemak2 dlm bdn aku ni..
selalunyer bekal2 bibik ni mmg bkn mknn diet!
dia bg aku mee gorenglah..nasi gorenglah..sume yg bergoreng2!aku sesah kata xelok membazir tmbh lagi penat2 dia dh msk pg2 buta..nnti dia pn bg ayat sedih..bibik masak bekal tau utk kamu, tp kamu x bwk!(ada 1 pg tu aku dh lmbt,terus lupa nk amik bekal dia)

tp time aku xbwk bekal aku mmg akan memilih mknn..
ada 1 hari tu aku mkn ayam nasi ayam je..yg aku rasa oklah..roasted chicken..xamik nasi pn..
smlm aku lunch dedaun je..(salad hehehe..) ini mmg mknn ruji aku masa aku g gym aku kembali ke pangkal jln..

tp after lunch je..aku rasa xpuas giler mkn..mgkn sbb dh lama xpraktik mkn daun ni..rasa spt nk mkn lagi!ikut hati nk je turun g beli roti sebungkus tp ku tahan..
tidak2!aku mahu kurus!

blk keje,jalan jam giler!argh!!!tensionnyer!sumer org terkejar - kejar nk tgk bolalah tu..
kruuukk..kriok2..perut aku berbunyi!ya Allah!lapar giler!
dahlah tu dlm beg doraemon aku tu xde lak bnda yg leh di sumbat dlm mulut aku!selalunyer ada!ini memang satu penyeksaan!

mmg lapar nk mampos r!aku xpenah rasa selapar itu!
akhirnya aku selamat smpi rumah..
terus aku terkam p dapur! tgk periuk!hehehe

ada 3 pilihan!

ikan pari bakar + ayam masak kurma + sayur rebus

korang rasa mana 1 aku pilih?hehehe...
owh!aku masih waras wlpn dlm kelaparan..
aku membuat analisa satu2!

sayur rebus..hurm..tghari tadi dh mkn sayur..jadi dh ckp dh vitamin dlm bdn..okay!tolak tepi!

ikan pari bakar + ayam masak kurma..

hurm..ikan pari -> protein yg amat di perlukan...bakar lak tu!bagus!paling kurang lemak dia...
jadi baguslah aku makan...





ayam masak kurma!

hahaha...xtahan seh tgk godaan ayam!
jadi aku mkn 2 ketul ayam kurma sahaja tnpa nasik jugak!

bila dh kenyang, baru ada jiwa tgk piala AFF!

ada berani??hehehe..

huh!cerita psl bola..duduk VIP seatlah kt umah aku tu..
hehehe..happening giler..sbb 1 family lyn smbl terjerit2..almaklumlah rumah aku tu fullhouse!

so far apa yg aku leh komen psl game smlm (cheh!mcm ko arif je psl bola ni!)

  1.  pemain indonesia hebat melecek bola n merampas bola..sgt bersemangat waja menyerang!
  2. pemain malaysia masa 1st half aku rasa diorg just main pertahanan je..dpt bola, main sepak je ke mana saja..asalkan jgn dpn pintu gol..geram gak tgk!sian kt fahmi sbnrnya sbb asyik kene jaga pintu gol..2nd half baru nmpk cubaan nk attack.
  3. respek giler kt fahmi!sbb maintain jaga gol!sume dia dpt tgkp!except yg 2nd gol tu..itu aku rasa kesilapan players gak sbb xdefend.
  4. aku rasa pengadil kurang adil..berat sblh..terang2 kot nmpk kene tangan si bambang tu..
  5. 1 lg yg aku rasa ntah pape ntah..apsallah cameraman dok fokus kt cewek2 indon je?nk tayang cewek2 dia cunlah tu?so what?mmg r cun tp yg kaya2 je..yg bersepah kt malaysia ni aku tgk hurm...
  6. pastu aku cari gak mana laser bra Julia Perez yg bongoks tu!adeh!apalah sengal sgt minah tu nk butakan mata players malaysia konon..xlogik sungguh!
walau apa pun..kesimpulannya.. well played Harimau Malaya! harap serangan menjadi lagi utk game2 seterusnya..bkn smpi disini saja..!

utk fiefa mohd ali, teruskan program diet kamu yer! jgn mudah berputus asa! Malaysia Boleh!(huh!xde kaitan!)

p/s- lupa nk ckp..dlm program ni aku bykkn minum air kosong..sehari kt ofis je (8 jam) dekat 2 botol besar aku minum..jadi tak heranlah asyik ke toilet je aku..hahaha..and xheran jugak kalau expense bulanan boss kene beli air bnyk pas ni..hehehe

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

SEGMEN JOM BERKENALAN 1st time nk join bnda2 cengginih..hehehe..ntah mcmana ntah ter 'come across' dis blog.. terus i follow u, cikgu ..kalau sudi..mehlah cikgu folow i laks!ahaks!

since ini segmen berkenalan..marilah kita berkenalan..berdasarkan soalan2 cikgu ini.. ^_^

1. apakah status anda sekarang?

 -> single but not available..hehehe..(paham2 sudah!)

2. ceritakan tentang diri anda..

-> mahu cerita apa ya?xde apa yg menarik. saya hanya insan biasa yg menjalani kehidupan scr ringkasnya..
    seorang assistant architect sepenuh masa kt private firm in Subang Jaya, belajar separuh masa (amik master) kat Uitm,Shah Alam..

3. Ceritakan tentang blog anda..

-> hehehe..dh lama berblogging tapi bkn blogger yang tegar.. kejap on, kejap off..agaknyer sbb tulah xramai follower..(owh!malu i) hehehe..sbb mula2 saje2 je nk mencatat tntg kehidupan sndri utk memori skarang rasa macam syok je tgk blog2 org lain yg sgt rasa mahu aktif balik dan serius komited. jadi, kwn2 marilah support sy!ahaks!

okay!psl blog sy lak..sbnrnya ikut suka gak..basically, ianya dwibahasa..kalau rasa nk ckp omputih,kite tulis omputihlah..pastu kdg2 bahasa rojak..ianya berkisar tntg apa saja yg terlintas dan juga minat saya..

4. apa pandangan anda tntg dunia blog?

-> menarik!sbb boleh share thoughts and experiences!

5. nasihat anda pd rakan2 yg baru nk mula blog..

erm..teruskan usaha anda!hehehe..jgn jadi cam sy!on,off..on,off!(insyaallah,pasni sy dh xcmtu kot!)

6. nyatakn keunikan tntg blog anda..

-> rasanya dh jwb dlm soalan no. 3.. tp kalau nk tau pasal beauty tips ke,fashion ke, braces ke..bolehlah baca blog saya!

7. sampai bilakah anda akan menulis blog dan impian anda dlm dunia blog ..

Insyaallah..selagi mampu menulis  ^_^

okay!masa utk meng'tag' orang..hehehehe..

yang lagi dua tak retilah nk tag..sbb private..hehehe..

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Michelle Phan?Who??

Anyone familiar with this name?
No?Oh god!Don't know?
ngee..that's not a big issue actually. Unless if you are really into make up beauty and stuff then you are definitely insane to not knowing her..

Aha!i just got to know her too myself. so,no worries!
It was just by accident. Really! but i have become a huge fan of hers
okay! who is this Michelle Phan??

oh!'s just like the no. 1 make up guru in YouTube and widely known worldwide!
By Nov 2010, she's got 1 million subscribers and became the no. 1 most subscribed female on YouTube. I bet i'm one of them! ^_^/

here's what i thought of her...1st impression

I thought Michelle Phan is Thai.. at least for the name Phan..(sorry Michelle!) and i thought she's just an ordinary person who really likes to post videos in YouTube. at least maybe she's known in Asia cause i thought she still live in Thailand.

But to my surprised..she's not just that ordinary person..(unlike me!ha..ha..ha..)

1. She's a Vietnamese American who lives in US her entire life!
2. She actually got her job from her Youtube channel. Currently, she's a Lancome Model after Lancome discover her potential in Youtube and that is only after they found out that she actually failed Lancome job interview.  
3. She got all the spotlight in US just because of her contribution to YouTube channels!

why do i like her?

1. she's got this Asian looks with Asian skin and so her make up tutorials definitely suits me! or anyone with the Asian skin.
2. easy and natural looking make up unlike some make up artist who put really too much make up on and seems fake sometimes.
3.her videos really shows some effort of how passionate she is about beauty and sometimes you are so mesmerized by it and can't wait to try for yourself!

enough said! let's just share some of my fav videos.

Adorable! and her voice kind of cute!

Simple and natural everyday look.

perfect for specky like I am..but still not successful in trying it.ngee..

not enough?well, go google yourself.. then you'll find many great make up tutorials or even beauty tips from her..  =)

Friday, December 24, 2010

cara kerja yang betul...

tgk tajuk je mcm apa je..
this is just quick update since boss is in the house!
just nak share what i've been doing the whole week masa boss g family vacation.


letak sebelah2 office work dgn hiburan kite tu...kihkihkih..
camnilah caranyer xnk bagi pekerja tension masa buat keje..
apa yang penting keje jalan..
bila bos nk tgk keje..keje dh siap!

bagus x?

dan yang lagi penting!janganlah kantoikan diri..

owh!another favourite channel i suka
bolehlah..kesemua episod Chinta tu smpi abislah aku layan..

ngee!bad habit!

Sorry bos ^_^

Thursday, December 23, 2010

caution! you've gained weight!!

oh!no!this is freaking scary! I've gained weight! 
oh! come on.. 
Don't sound so surprised. Deep down you know you've gained weight. 
Yes, I do know that. It's just that I didn't expect it to gained that much.

That's the problem when you are too scared to weigh yourself. it's not my fault. hehehe.. Experts says that when you are on a diet, get rid of your weighing scale.. ok! I made that up! they didn't exactly say get rid, they just say that don't weigh yourself everyday. But what do I do?

I never ever weigh myself.
Until the moment of truth yesterday. All of a sudden i decided to.
 and BOOM!

What???so much kilos??
You want to know how much?naah...let's just keep that to myself. but what i can say is i weigh the same exactly before i went to gym!
That means i just happily spend my money to California Fitness and the personal trainer!
That is what happens when you stop exercising and eating happily ever after as if you're never going to see the food again.

hahaha..but want to know something?even yes, i realize i gained 8 kilos (there!i said it) but still i was thinking ok! not bad! after a year plus of stopping from gym only 8 kilos..hurm..not a good thinking, right??

therefore, starting from today.. i have to watch what is being put inside my body. maybe start back the eating habit i used to have a year back. Drink more water... 

oh! I'm starting! i already drank like half bottle already and i think 3 times already going to the ladies..hurm..good starter, right??

and know what i'm thinking also? well.. i'm thinking to get a weighing scale for myself! ha..ha..ha.. the one thing that i have always say NO..No..NO.. 

Well, let's just hope that i get my figure back! or at least nicer than before.
is that at least??
that is more than least.
that is going kill you.

wish me luck! 
p/s - today's lunch is FRIED MEE... (so much of a diet lah kan???)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

maafkan aku Dora,Dolly dan Diego..

kisah ni kesinambungan dari kisah skru aku tu..hehehe..sbb ia berlaku pada hari yang sama..
sebagai upah my little niece, Aisyah teman aku g jumpa Dr. Zarin haritu..aku janji dengan dia nak bawak tengok fish..

yer betul!...Dora, Dolly dan Diego adalah 3 ekor ikan..hehehe..nama-nama d
iberi sempena karakter2 kartun kesukaan Aisyah. tp comel apa kan??

sebenarnya, aku dah lama berniat nak bela ikan emas untuk tambah keserian bilik aku. (cheh!cantik sgtlah tu bilik kau tu!) lagipun,aku memang ada bowl bulat yg xtau
nak buat apa..

mungkin pengaruh cerita kartun banyak sangat kot.. yelah kan dalam citer kartun selalu ada ikan emas seekor dalam mangkuk bulat yang cantik..tak silap aku dalam Tom & Jerry kot!hahaha..tua2 bangka dok layan kartun lagik!

so, petang tu aku terus pergi ke kedai akuarium ikan.. owh! syoknyer tgk fish! dah berangan - angan dah ni..tapi sabar dulu..mari kita bertanya..

aku: tokey, goldfish boleh hidup tanpa oksigen ka?

tokey: bolehlah..tapi xboleh banyak ma..

aku: ya ka? i ada itu mangkuk bulat, xbesar mmg cantik r utk goldfish seekor..
i xnk letak itu oksigen sama filter r sbb bowl itu kecik aje..

tokey: boleh2.. (smbl direct aku ke satu container besar penuh anak ikan emas yg langsung xde oksigen) ha..ini..talak oksigen punya..boleh hidup ma..

aku pn bertambahlah excited!and mmg nk beli terus tapi aku teringat ada 1 lagi kedai kat seberang jalan..baik aku pegi tanya kedai tu pulakkan..

situasi di kedai kedua:

aku: tokey, goldfish boleh hidup tanpa oksigen ke?

tokey:woo..xboleh ma..boleh pn susah lah..

aku:(excited dh menurun) abis ikan apa boleh?

tokey:ikan gapi..tapi xleh bnyk..

dan akhirnya, aku dan Aisyah bwk pulang Dora, Dolly dan Diego pulang..
3 ekor ikan gapi yang malang..

balik2 terus letak dalam bowl..pastu tinggalkan ia sementara kami turun makan..
lapar tu!dari pagi aku xmakan..
almaklumlah nk g jmpa dentist..kang ada sisa2 makanan..malu lak!hahaha...

lepas makan,layan crite kartun dgn Aisyah (mana x pengaruh kartun begitu menebal dalam di
excited ni naik atas nk tgk kwn2 baru kami..
naik2 atas Aisyah terus serbu mereka..pastu dia paling kt aku..

Aisyah: Acik,fish dah mati..

Aku: Ha??tipulah!

bila aku tgk, tiga2 ekor terdampar!!!
wargh!!!abis lesap duit aku rm6 sekelip mata!hehehe
eh!sedih sbnrnya..sbb belum sempat untuk aku menabur kasih sayang pada mereka..belum sempat aku menyuap makanan pada mereka..mereka telah pergi menghadap Illahi..

apa silap aku?tokey kedai tu tipu aku ke?cis bedebah!

Aisyah lak dok termenung dpn mangkuk kaca tu..

fish saya dah mati..katanya..

bila tunjuk kat mak..

mak tanya : ko letak air apa?

aku: air paip lah..

mak: nape xletak air filter?

aku: buat apa nak letak air filter?

mak: air paip ada klorin..

itulah akibatnya kalau buat sesuatu tanpa kaji selidik dulu..
xnak google info pasal cara2 yang betul...

maka itulah riwayat kisah hidup Dora, Dolly dan Diego bersama aku fiefa mohd ali yang xde pengalaman langsung membela apa2 pn..hehehe..

tapi xpe!bila ilmu di dada dah penuh, akan ada pengganti Dora, Dolly dan Diego!Aisyah jangan sedih2 lagi yer. tapi Acik nak beli ikan emas jugak!!

nilah rupa ikan gapi..
gambar sekadar hiasan sbb gmbr Dora,Dolly and Diego xsempat pn di snap..

skru di tanam dalam gusi..micro implants

fuuuh....fuuuh...berhabuk n bersawang blog aku ni..hahaha..dh lama dh xmenulis..maklumlah i bkn blogger yg tegar..mencoret pn sekadar suka2 je..

well..lama dh xupdate bnda2 ilmiah ni especially pasal braces kn..dulu masa mula2,janji nk frequently update tp???ala..sbb xde apa yg menarik pn..sekadar bulanannyer check up Dr just tukar getah je..(yg kaler2 tu), xpn dia tukar wire..ha..kan ke bosan tu??tp kali ni nk update psl skru yg ditanam dlm gusi!

percaya x kalau aku ckp ada 2 biji skru yg ditanam dlm gusi aku skrg ni?dh seminggu dh pn bndasing ni hidup bersama

ha..cmno eh critenyer?
last week mcm biasa aku g menapak kt klinik Dr Zarin tu..ingtkn regular check up je..bila masuk,dia belek2 gigi I yg cantik ni..hehehe..pastu dia ckp dia nk tanam skru..

aku??' what the heck??'
terus berdebar2..mana akak x debar dik non oi..
i'm not prepared for this!!

saiz skrunyer lbh kurang cmnilah..mcm tindik besar
sket rasanya..

Dr Zarin pn explain..
Proses ni dinamakan micro implants di mana salah satu tujuan dia adalah untuk mempercepatkan proses rawatan. (apa Dr Zarin dh jemu jmpa aku bulan2 ke?ahaks!)

salah satu tujuannya lagi adalah untuk menahan gigi hadapan untuk lari alignment..
cheh!gigi pn ada alignment ke?

untuk info, sebelum ni gigi depan aku xselari dgn garisan hidung after treatment, alhamdulillah dh selari dh..and since aku cabut 2 batang gigi atas n bwh di sblh kiri,untuk merapatkan balik gap tu so kenalah tarik gigi geraham ke arah tengah instead of gigi depan kan? gigi geraham ni akar dia lbh kuat tertanam kat gusi, kalau guna normal treatment besar kemungkinan gigi depan yg tertarik and so akan larilah balik alignment gigi depan aku..jadi utk mengelakkan itu berlaku, maka tertanamlah 2 biji skru dlm gusi aku!

abis je Dr tu membebel..korg rasa apa aku tanya?hehehe...
aku rasa mana2 patient pn akan tanya benda yang sama..

aku: "sakit x Dr?"

Dr jwb: "naah..xdelah.."

nak caya xnk caya?tp ikut experience aku selama aku jd pesakit dia,apa yg dia ckp semua btl..kalau dia ckp xsakit,xsakitlah..

pastu aku tnya nurse dia: "sakit x?"

nurse:"abis bius,mknlah painkiller"

aku(dlm hati yg bertambah dup dap dup dap):"painkiller?selama aku pakai braces ni,xpnh2 Dr bg aku painkiller,ni confirm sakit giler ni!"

dlm berdebar2 Dr terus inject bius..pastu dia suruh aku wat xray..

hahaha..kelakar tul bila pikir saat itu!
bygkn nk xray gigi,mestilah kene senyumkan..
dgn mulut aku kebas giler,xrasa pape..dgn tangan aku menggigil-gigil!

first time beb!serius!first time aku rasa nervous yg smpi gigil2..
xpnh kot!owh!penahlah!masa test nk amik lesen ngan jpj dulu!hahaha... kali kedua..
tp aku rasa aku mmg ada anugerah tahan sakitlah..hehehe..
masa Dr tu drill lubang kt gusi aku..ha..mcm drill dinding tu..relaks je aku..

mmg r relaks!dh bius!
masa pasang skru ni..adalah sket2 rasa sengal mencucuk2..
tahan jelah beb!tp cuak gak takut tertembus ke dlm..
Dr ckp mmg dia bius sket je kt dpn..dlm dia xbius sgt spy boleh rasa sket nerve2 tu..
utk langkah keselamatan skru tu xtertembus smpi ke sebelah sana...
owh!jadi btullah apa yg aku rasa ni..ingtkn Dr bius xbetul.



mcm nilah lebih kurang rupa skru tu ditanam di gusi aku!
org lain dok tindik hidung,lidahlah..
i tindik gusi uols!
(Gmbr sekadar hiasan)hehehe..

nak smbg lagi ke cerita?hehehe..
owh lupa nk ckp.masa pegi ni,aku bwk my little niece..aisyah!baru umur 3thn..

bygkan bdk 3 thn tgk all d procedures...xmimpi ngeri dia?hahaha..

smpi skrg aku dok sakat dia..
kalau xgosok gigi,acik bwk jmpa Dr..cabut gigi aisyah..

owh!miss you lah kakak and adik!

kakak aya and adik maryam!

owh!btw...kesimpulan cerita ini adalah..
trust your Dr!hehehe...
sbb xsakit pn!memula je lps bius tu hilang adalah rasa sengal2 sket kot,tp lps tu okay je..
aku xmkn pn painkiller yg dia bg tu..
bazir duit aku RM20 je!hehehe

tp xtaula jugakkan aku..sbb ada kwn aku yg pakai braces gak..
setiap kali dia g jmpa dentist msti dia kata sakit..sakit..xleh makanlah..itulah inilah..
tp aku??makan je!makin berselera adalah!
sbb Dr Zarin ckp "kenapa nak sakit2?"
ha...korg rasa apa rahsia Dr Zarin?
sendiri pikirlah...sbb aku pn xtau jwpnyer..

p/s - for better understanding, google lah mini micro implants for orthodontics!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fauziah Latiff - Ku Di Sini (Gelora Di Hati Sara 2 Soundtrack)

Ku Di Sini...
Meratapi Kasih Hilang Pergi...
Mungkinkah Kembali... Ku Tak Pasti...
Hingga Kini Meratapi Kasih Dukaku Di Hati...

Ku Mengerti Pengorbanan Ini...
Ku Tempuhi Dengan Rela Hati..
Walau Perit Akan Ku Lalui...
Kerna Kasih Bukan Kerana Membenci...

Beginikah Penghinaan...
Kan Ku Titip Kesabaran...
Dari Segala Dugaan...

Oh Tuhan...
Kau Dengarkanlah Rayuan...
Cintaku Yang Berpanjangan Tak kesampaian...
Yang Kudambakan Tiada Haluan...
Yang Berpanjangan Tak Kesampaian...
Yang Kudambakan Tiada Haluan...

Ku Di Sini...
Melewati Hari Penuh Duri..
Ku Masih Di Sini....

Composer : Ross Ariffin
Artist : Fauziah Latiff

Nota kaki: sgt suka drama ini..sgt suka tgk gee berlakon..n sgt sedih dengar lagu ni..menambahkan kesayuan pd hatu yg sedang sayu ini..

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

i'm not mad

"I'm not mad... i just dont want you anymore"
Those are harsh words that you should never say to your loved one.
because it makes them

and all other negatives feelings one can feel.

Despite all this..deep down they still misses you every minutes and then..
Hoping that you will understand how they feel.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


giler bosan keje camni!haish..aku xsukalah keje dok ofis je..ngadap komputer je..dhlah rabun tmbh rabun aku nnti..uhuk2..apalah malang nasib aku ni.brape bnyk ofis aku nk tukar smpi aku jumpa ofis idaman hati aku???dulu bg alasan keje xmencabar..asyik wat bnda sama..kaler plan..kaler plan..buat masterplan...tup2..keje 2 tahun aku blah wlpn payment dia amatlah tinggi di sana...(skang ada sket nyesal tgglkn ofis lubuk emas itu)warghh!!!) tp bila pikir2 blk..ada baiknyer aku amik keputusan kuar dari itu company sbb wlpn poket aku penuh tp dari segi kemajuan diri ada bgsnyer jgk aku di sini..(cuba berpikir secara positif) nges... ye lah sekurang2 kurangnya ada kemajuan diri and aku bnyk gak explore bnda baru..

the ONLY problem..aku x suka dok ofis saja..n aku tak suka jadik kuli and aku tak suka income bulan2 aku..wargh!the ONLY lah sgt kn..bilalah aku nk menguasai projek ni??keje mcm ni serius rasa mcm kuli..ikut je apa bos ckp..bos suh buat tu..buat..bos suh tukar design..tukar..bos suh tukar blk ke design asal..tukar...apsallah bos tak suh hempuk kepala dia???kalau dia suh mesti laju je tangan aku menghayun ke arah kepala dia tu..adoilah bos...bos..nasib baik ko bos..duit bulan2 aku dari ko..kalau x,mmglah...

sabar..sabar..sabar..take it easy..lama2 ko dptlah opportunity itu..aku berkata pada diriku sendiri...masalahnyer i dont have forever!pantas diriku menjawab!dah tu ko nk macamana?apa suggestion ko?tukar keje lain?mana ko tau company baru tu keadaan dia cmne?huhhu..dan aku pn terus terdiam..diam membisu seribu bahasa...kerana terpaksa akur kpd logik akal..

sabar jelah fiefa..tunggulah lepas pengajian ko tamat..lps tu ko leh kawen..lps tu ko leh benti keje..tunggu laki ko je bg makan ko hari - hari..amboi2!!!apa ko ingt laki oppss!bakal laki ko tu kaya raya?huh!berangan je lah lebih..hehehe *peace*

dok goyang kaki..

tunggu laki aku hadiahkan ni sebentuk kat aku...wahhhh!!!heaven!sayang incik 3 slalu!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

:: L O V E ::

who loves me? well..Mr you know who you are loves me..loves me damn much!!! and of course Ms. this is who I am loves you back!!! and missess you damn much!!!

sedangkan lidah lagikan tergigit apatah lagi suami isteri??suami isteri ke??soon to be..InsyaAllah..

I seek forgiveness from you.. I truly am sorry..for all the things i said..for all the things i've done that upset u..

i miss you.. and loves you..
please miss me back and loves me back..

what's more important is please forgive me..
Sometimes the ones that you love the most are usually the ones that hurt you the most.

2nd post for the day..

ok..i know..i know..its the 2nd post..hurm..i guest i'm just so bored + i'm missing boss is not around today..and he did not left me any i currently have no work to do..boleh ke cakap mcm tu?boleh lah..

i dont know what to do..dont know what to search in the net..bored of facebook..bored..bored..and bored...while my head is so my heart is so how do i describe??membuak buak?yeah right..buak2 to do something but i have to control..no2..no2...i have chose silence as my song for the whole i have to keep silent but i'm not a very silent person...apa aku ckp ni?ayat cam keling je..tak kisahlah..

i write because i feel like writing..ayat2 di sini bkn di reka2..bkn copy paste or not taken from any drama or come from the original me..the truth deep down inside my no matterlah org ckp aku ni drama queen ke..suka buat ayat dramalah..suka berdramalah..its just me..expressing my feelings..expressing my love..
writing is like a theraphy to me..not to say that i'm damn good at writing. i only writes what i feel currently especially when i'm emotionally not stable..that is why most of my writings is about me feeling doing that..most of it sad's kind of relieved release it the tension in my head, the ups and down in my heart..and normally i feel good after writing..

so dont be mad at me when i write about something..please..and i dont expect people to read what i wrote pun..sape yg nk baca ayat2 drama dari drama queen ni kan??sometimes bila i sedih or tgh tak keruan,mcm2 bnda yg i pikir..pikir itulah pikir inilah..and sometimes bnda tak patut..i mean cth mcm at a normal mode, i boleh trime kenyataan yg mcm ni, mcm bila tgh dtg angin yg ntah dari mana hala..mulalah i mcm mngada sket..pikir tu..pikr ni..tak boleh trime tu takleh trime ni..trukkan??ish2..pastulah mestilah ada kesan2 negatif dari apa2 yg aku pikir kn??

opps!!there u go..aku dh tertulis bnyk dh..OMG!i cant help it!it's my theraphy!and now i feel kind of lega..

maybe silence is the best answer..

it's best at this point of time..hope i'm not wrong this time..hope he gets it today thurs 13th May but most probably he will get it on monday..just hope that he will get it today so that i don't have to keep silence for some more days...let's just hope for the best..miss n love.

because this best describe me at the moment..

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


there's something i want to write but i just cant!i dont want to cause anymore has caused me enough..what i can say is i'm really sorry for what i said..i dont mean it..and how can i fix things again???currently i'm in no mood to do anything..cant sleep yesterday --> a good thing i reached office early today..bad thing is i kene saman ngan MPSJ again cause lmbt 15 min byr paking..tension result --> laburkan my money to buy monthly pass so that i tak kene saman lagi..enough more..

thank you

Thursday, April 22, 2010

hectic month!hope april ends fast.. there is another week for April!!!yeay!!!eager to end April but of course towards the end..much much more miserable..cause its the final exams..gosh!!!only 3 days to be exact before the exam starts and % of how much i have study???er...i would say 30%..hehehe..though my life have been upside down now..everyday after working came back home, sleep at about 9pm wakes up again at 2am or 3am..n stay all the way up till sunrise and off to work..sounds like i am really doing my studying right???ha..ha..ha..but no really..ngeh2..i'm facing some difficulties in focusing..well, i wakes up 2am..erm..normally 3am..perform my isyak prayer and sometimes sunat tahajud..then..i'll be studying maybe about 1 hour to 2 hrs..the max is 2 hrslah..but sometimes only half an hour..then i dont know what i'm doing..i try to adapt as many inputs as i can..but really..i cannot..and all of a sudden the sun rise..just the time i'm getting the mood to study again but i have to get ready to work..and that's why i always late to work..not because i wakes up late..hehehe...but though i'm late its just like 5 mins to 10 mins..hello!!!to the boss's wife (admin) does it really matters just 10mins???dont you consider how many minutes i stayed back before i go home???it's half an hour or hours sometimes...(ngee..lepas geram kt bini bos lak)hehehe..

anyhow, getting home is another thing..have to face traffic..sometimes really heavy...wah!mau gila aku cmni..but relax girl!chill out.take your class notes and begin reading it..yeah!it least it reduce my tensioness of the traffic and some knowledge is being absorbed..hee..though hardly finish any chapter..but at least a little bit here and there would make it, right????plus my monday paper is about managing people..personally i think you have to know basic knowledge + some theories and there you the exam hall..frying all the spices up to produce best recipe..apa lagi goreng jelah babe!!!hahaha..ckp senang..

hurm,another thing i said life is upside down now but i still got time to enjoy..last weekend spend some times with friends in Cameron..maybe i'll post in another entry..if i have the guts.. =P

meanwhile...have to study..cause tonight i dint sleep at 9pm..because waiting for mr 3 to call me...hardly been chatting with him this month of April as he is also busy with his life currntly...n so our schedule is not the same..never mindlah..have to do some sacrifcying kn????utk sape???utk kami jua..

well,wishing luck to no one is wishing me luck.. =) all the best in the exams!!selamat menggoreng!!yeah!!

go fiefa go fiefa go!!!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

8th memory of my late dad..Al - fatihah

today is 8th April...ada apa dgn 8 April?
today is supposed to be my dad's birthday..but now..he is no longer in this world..
8th April will just pass by like any other more celebration for him..
just Al-Fatihah is send far from here...

its already 2 years since he's gone..without i realizing it..
pejam celik pejam celik..sggh pantas masa berlalu...
it felt just like yesterday..
n frankly, i still feel like he's here with us
just that we never see him again...

it's hard to accept the fact that our dad is no more..
abah yg tak pnh sakit..he's been healthy his whole life..
but all of a sudden..felt sick..and...

abah pergi terlalu awal..terlalu cepat..
nevertheless no matter how hard and sad it is..
kami merelakan pemergian abah..
walaupn hakikatnya kami masih memerlukan abah...
mak..mak memerlukan abah..
anak2 abah memerelukan abah..
cucu2 abah memerlukan tokki nya..
dan aku...
aku masih memerlukan kasih syg seorg ayah..
aku memerlukan abah untuk menjadi wali ku sptmana kakak2ku..
tp aku sedar itu tak mngkn menjadi kenyataan..
abah tlh menyerahkan tggjwbnya kpd abangku..
yer..suatu hari nnti apabila tiba masanya..
abgku yg akan mewalikan aku..
bknnya abah..

Yang pergi tetap pergi..
jikalau sudah ditakdirkan seseorg itu pergi meninggalkan kita..
dia tetap akan pergi..
tidak kira sihat atau sakit..
tua atau muda...
jadi..redhalah dgn pemergian org tersayang kita..

abah..walaupn abah sudah tiada
ingtn kami pd abah msh segar..
irfan masih ingt atuk ali..seringkali menyebut nama atuk ali..
nk jadi mcm atuk ali..nk jadik polis.. :)
kadangkala kami hanya mampu gelak dan tersenyum..
kuat sggh ingatan dia pada tokki nya..
wajah abah pn masih dia kenal..

Alhamdulillah.. aku juga tak pernah lupa pd abah.
Al - Fatihah selalu disedekahkan pd abah..
cuma aku dh lama tak menjejakkan kaki ke kubur abah..
kenapa?sbb aku takut..
aku takut akan dosa2 aku yg terpaksa abah galas..
takut memikirkan azab2 yg abah tanggung di sbbkn dosa2ku..

Ya Allah,ya tuhanku..
Kau Ampunkanlah dosa2 ku Ya Allah..
agar roh ayahku aman di sana..
sesungguhnya aku insan yg amat berdosa..
terlalu amat berdosa..

aku takkan berasa aman selagi aku tidak bernikah..
agar tanggungjawab mengalas segala perbuatan ku beralih arah pada suamiku..
agar abah terlepas dari segala kesilapan ku
tetapi tetap mendapat ketenangan dari doa2 ku dan amalan2ku..

bkn bermaksud ingin membebankan suami.. :)
tp biarlah tanggungjawab membimbing aku beralih kpdnya..
biarlah kami saling menyokong dan membimbing ke arah kehidupan akhirat yg sejati..

sungguh mulia seorg wanita di pandangan Islam..
segala perbuatan sang wanita hanya di tanggung oleh sang lelaki..
tetapi semua itu mempunyai sebab2 tertentu..
mengapa dosa2 wanita ditanggung oleh ayahnya dan suaminya..
sptmana senangnya seorg lelaki utk menanggung perbuatan anak atau isteri..
seperti itulah senangnya mereka utk mndpt pahala drpd amalan anak dan juga isteri..
Allah itu Maha Adil..

Hargailah mereka sebelum mereka pergi utk selamanya..penuhi dgn segala amalan di dunia agar dpt membawa bekalan di akhirat..

"Ya Allah, jadikan aku dan keturunanku orang-orang yang tetap mendirikan solat; ya Tuhan kami terimalah doaku.Ya Allah, ampuni aku dan kedua orang tuaku serta orang-orang mukmin pada hari terjadinya hisab (hari kiamat)..Ya Tuhan kami, anugerahkan kepada kami pasangan kami dan keturunan kami sebagai penyejuk hati kami..."

Ayah Aku Rindu Padamu

Ayah..aku rasa sunyi
sejak kehilanganmu di dunia ini
di saat ku meniti kejayaan ini

Ayah..aku menyanjungi
jasamu yang terlalu agung buatku
tak daya ku membalas jasa dan budimu
Tanpa kamu hilanglah haluan hidupku
terasa siksanya di jiwa ini
tak dapat ku membalas jasamu di dunia ini
Di pagi raya
ku pohonkan kemaafan, keinsafan
ku doakan agar rohmu dicucuri rahmat Ilahi

oh ayah...
aku rasa sunyi sejak kehilanganmu di dunia ini

Al - Fatihah buat Mohd Ali b. Yusoff, Yusoff b. Sulaiman, Mohd Azizi b. Mohd Ali, Shahid,Tok Wan dan Atuk.


Monday, April 5, 2010

missing him..

i missed him..every minutes n every seconds.God!what is happening to me?its not the usual me..its not the person whom i used to be...relax and
i'm waiting for him..i waited..wait..wait and waited..i couldnt even do a single thing..tying to keep myself busy..though i am really assignment to submit other assignment to submit within this few weeks..n got exams at the end of this mind..
but what i could really do..was only thinking about i really missed him..n how i wish he would call me..n how i regretted whatever i was saying the other night.i dont know...jiwa so many much things to think n so much things to solve...
whatever it is..i have to be strong..i have to control myself.struggle with my own self..from within..
i'm giving him some him some air to hoping that he will realize how much he needed much important i am to him..n how i can refresh his old feelings for me..i know exactly the he struggle with his feelings too..
dont knowlah..i'm hoping that my action was the right thing to do..hoping that this will solve our feeling to him is a lot stronger than before...a feeling that i could not loose him n how much he really meant to me..

so i missed him..trying to loose a bit i searched his laptop..n found his video of G training..a video when he was actually training on the gravity test..n OMG!it was so hard..before this i have no idea that it is that hard..n i'm starting to realize how much i pushed him really hard before. in my personal opinion...(i never said this to him) but i think he is a really good air force pilot - to - be..listen to him telling me how his instructors pushing him really hard,motivated him..i know..deep down his instructor's heart that this guy is shit hot n he can perform well..i dont know if i'm wrong but i just got this feelings of how his instructor actually felt..because of that too..i pushed him hard too..i pushed him to perform every time bcos i know he can do it but one thing i forgot..i forgot how he actually struggle to after watching the opens up my eyes..that hat i did was wrong..i cannot be one of instructor that instruct him to perform..but i have to be someone who is supportive and motivate him in a psychological way...
i'm sorry sayang..for pushing u hard all this time..its just that i'm so proud of you that i want you to be the best among the others...
hee..dont know if this is legal or not...but here's the video..that actually heals my 'him sickness'

Friday, April 2, 2010

stop spreading something that u guys dont know..

i received a phone call yesterday from a friend of mine..
it's been months since we last keep on updating stories..
suddenly she told me that she heard something not good about me..
n i was?what the hell man????how does rumours spread when u never or hardly keep in touch with others??
n so she told reaction??shocked n pissed off.of course..
at first felt mcm nk g serang org je..
but after sometimes..after talking with another old friend of mine..
yg pn dh lama giler tak kontek..
hearing his advice..
n think rationally..
i decided to let it go..
but frankly..
i'm so dissapointed with all of my friends..
well,at least to somelah..
yg spreading stories without knowing the truth..
tidak tahukah anda cerita tanpa usul periksa itu boleh menimbulkan fitnah?
dan andai cerita itu tidak benar ianya adlh fitnah..
fitnah yg boleh mengaibkan org..
now..i dont want to comment further or
pin point anyone..
just that..
a reminder to all my friends n to myself also..
stop spreading things that u dont really know the truth..
its bad..
really bad..


fiefa mohd ali.


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